22 August 2008

The Mormons Are Coming!

I've just had a visit by two young men who have come to spread the word of Joseph Smith, aka The Book of Mormon. Initially I thought to shut them down and turn them away, but then I thought, "hmm, I don't know much about the Church of Mormon, this could be a learning experience." So I now am the proud owner of "The Book of Mormon", complete with highlighted passages selected by Elder Shields for me to focus on. They will be emailing me in about a month in order to set a date when they can come back and speak to me about what I've read.
I think it will be an interesting appointment, to say the least.
Now, to get reading...


Anonymous said...

You know, they've come to my home too. They were really very nice, and in a way, I respect the fact that they aren't just closet or Sunday morning Christians. They get off their butts and get out there and bug the crap out of people! I don't agree with their points of view, but I respect that they walk their talk.

Rebecca MacLary said...

It surprised me, they actually GAVE me a copy of the Book of Mormon. Initially I was just going to discourage them but realized that I know close to nothing about Mormonism and, in the interest of scholarship, would like to learn more. I just hope that they aren't disappointed when they find they haven't discovered a potential convert.

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