16 September 2008

I Won!

See? Reading other blogs and participating in challenges and such really DOES pay off! Remember my post, "What Do You Remember Most About Being A Kid?" It was part of the "Coffee Chat", a little contest that Write From Karen hosted. All I had to do was pick one of the two topics (or write one post for each one), and write at least 300 words on that subject. Place a link on Write From Karen, and voila! I was entered.

One of my friends saw my blog and wrote her own version, sent her own link to Write From Karen, and guess what!?! We BOTH won! OK, OK, it was a random number generator that picked our numbers, but so what! Stacy won a $25 voucher from amazon.com and I won a $10 gift card from Starbucks! WOO HOO!

Can't wait for the next coffee chat in December!

Check out the link buttons in my sidebars to see all the other challenges I'm involved with at the moment: Ditch the Disposables and NaNoWriMo.


Write From Karen said...

Heya! Thanks for the link love! I mailed your gift card today! Enjoy!!

Write From Karen

Stacy Charleston said...

so, I'd like to have a button that links to the next coffee chat too. How do I do that?

Rebecca MacLary said...

Stacy: I'll let you know.

Karen: Thanks, awesome!

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